www.schwebebahn-wtal.de --
Jeden Samstag kann man das Depot in der Zeit von 11 - 17 Uhr besichtigen.
Von Mai bis Oktober ist das Museumsgelände auch sonntags in der Zeit von
11 - 17 Uhr geöffnet.
At those days the trams are at service. Historical trams around the area from "Bergischen Land" and "Ruhrgebiet" - no tram is younger than 40 years. The tracks lead you through beautiful hilly woodland. First rides start at 10.40 am, last at 5.20 pm. In the woods you find an old water mill. It is still in use, for sharpening industry knifes. You can visit this mill.
von Seidlitz und Kuschmierz 1950. Seit Dezember 1984 in der Kohlfurth. |
Work tram 610, from Bochum
/ Germany. Here you see it parked just in front of the old bridge
"Kohlfurther Brücke". Chassis build in 1900 /
1902. Body was build from Seidlitz and Kuschmierz 1950. |
Er wird zur Zeit durch einen Düsseldorfer Beiwagen ersetzt. Er dient heute als Verkaufsraum. Dort kann man Bücher, Bilder, Modelle und Souvenirs kaufen. |
At the entrance
a boogie tram from Frankfurt / Main - Germany. You can buy books, pictures, models and souvenirs. |
Four tracks are going into the small depot. Most trams are stored inside the building. For photographers it is not easy to take photos, like other similar museums. Some expressions you see further down. |
19.05.2002 |
With tram 105 the museum starts the rides on their tracks. At first this car was renewed in Essen. There it ran as a museum tram, coated in the Essen colours. Some years later it come to Wuppertal. Now it is in service with the original colours of Wuppertal trams.
© Wilfried Bode |
Fahrschalter und Widerstände hat bereits begonnen. Fertigstellung steht noch etwas in den Sternen. |
Tram 159, built in 1925. At the moment new electric items will be installed. Driving equipment is also nearly ready. Nobody now how long it will take, before that tram comes back on service. |
TW 53 Reutlinger Straßenbahn |
Tram 53, from Reutlingen -
Germany. |
628 a work tram with a tower platform, was build in 1950 in own workshop of the Wuppertaler Stadtwerke. In 1998 628 was renewed. At his service on streets it was painted orange. |
Tram 337 from Hagen / Germany. This tram is already prepared for service at the museum. |
Fertigstellung 2003 / 4 |
Trailer 131 from Hagen / Germany, build in 1957 is in the workshop. It will be ready in 2003 or 2004. |
Trailer 195, Vestische Straßenbahn, build in 1955 "Verbands - Typ 1" |
19.05.2002 |
66 a tram from Darmstadt, ex Remscheid 106 / both Germany, built by Westwaggon in 1960. It was old in 1969 to Darmstadt, since December 1992 in Kohlfurth.
is not ready for the public transport service. |
19.05.2002 |
Remscheid tram 49built 1921, by Weyer / AEG. It is used as a control room, when the
tram are at service. |
683 from Bochum, as a work tram, built 1951 by Crede. At the museum it is used for works at the tracks. It was till 1974 a passenger tram, than the Bogestra make a work tram in 1974. Since 1988 at the museum. |
Near the hall, KSW trailer 911, from Wuppertal. It is in a very bad condition. |
Kohlfurth und wurde 2000 äußerlich aufgearbeitet. |
Loco 601, Wuppertal a 1435 mm track Loco. This Loco was build 1929 in own Workshop of the "Barmer Bergbahn" |
Left: Tram 107 from Düsseldorf and right Tram 275 from Bochum at stop Kohlfurth. Tram 275 is on duty since 1995 and was build in 1957. |
Tram 107 on tour. It is beautiful scenery and cross a forest. Here is the station for the water mill, called Manuelskotten. |
Tram 107 from Düsseldorf at stop Greuel. It was built in 1936 by "Düwag". Since 1999 in service for the museum. |
Links Tw 275 der Bogestra (Bochum Gelsenkirchener Straßenbahn) im Betriebshof |
| Tw 275 from Bochum at Museum Depot. |
Am 14.06.2002 kam der Arbeitswagen 406 der Freiburger Verkehrsbetriebe in der Kohlfurth an. Er soll die Arbeitswagen 683 + 685 der Bogestra ersetzen. Foto: © Wilfried Bode - 15.06.2002 |
Tram 406 from Freiburger Verkehrsbetriebe arrived in Wuppertal on 14.06.2002. He goes in service for Bogestra Worktrmas 683 + 685.+ Photo: © Wilfried Bode - 15.06.2002 |
KSW 96 der BOGESTRA ist im Jahr 2003 zu Gast bei den
BMB. |
| KSW 96 from Bochum came to the Museum in 2003. He was for a short at service. Here you see it at the last day of service at the Museum. |